gloved hand holding the lid to a petri dish and testing the red liquid inside.

We help faculty develop external funding proposals that meet internal and external guidelines, navigate the Cayuse proposal management system, and access support for grant administration.

We provide limited funding for: research-related travel, peer review of draft proposals, and pilot research to strengthen proposals.

We conduct workshops and training for faculty and provide individual consultation. Learn more.

Ready to start a new grant or fellowship proposal? Begin here.

Research Highlights


College of Arts & Sciences Office of Research

The CAS Office of Research is located on the first floor of the Foust Building, Office Suite 100.

call or fax us

Phone: 336.334.4757

Fax: 336.334.4260

Mailing address

The College of Arts and Sciences
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro 
100 Foust Building
PO Box 26170
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170

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