base of the Minerva statue, with apples seated on the platform

This section contains resources and information about CAS OOR programs and services, including institutional info you may need when preparing your proposal for submission. Our office can also help track down information that you need for your proposal or help review and interpret grant guidelines. Contact our office to see how we can assist you.

If you are a CAS faculty member or graduate student who is ready to begin developing your external funding proposal, please start here.

If you are an undergraduate student seeking research support, contact the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creativity Office (URSCO).

Additional proposal development and award management resources can be found via the Office of Research and Engagement’s PI TOOLKIT.

Budget Basics

Fringe Benefit Rates (updated May 14, 2024)

  • EHRA Faculty, staff and postdocs (most common): 45%
  • SHRA Faculty/ Staff: 49%
  • Students have two different fringe rates:
    • Academic enrolled months: 0.30%
    • Summer non-enrolled months: 8.00%
  • Some funders require a full fringe benefits breakdown. Find the fringe breakdown here.
  • PI’s and Co-I’s will need current salary for budgeting. Not sure of your current salary? Login into UNCGenie and click the employee tab at the top. Under the job summary link find your current position and pay.

UNCG’S F&A/Indirect Cost Rate (as of March 26, 2024; view the full agreement here.)

  • On-Campus Research Rate: 
    • 47% of Modified Total Direct Costs or “MTDC” from 7/1/2024 thru 6/30/2027.
    • 48% of MTDC from 7/1/2027 until revised.
  • Off-Campus Rate: 26%
    Off campus rates are generally used when the sponsored research takes place (or predominantly takes place) in a facility not owned by the University. An individual project may no longer be split between on- and off-campus rates. If more than 50% of a project is performed off-campus, the off-campus rate applies. Otherwise, the on-campus rate applies.
  • Other Sponsored Activities (OSA) Rate: 30% – This is a new rate category for activities that are not research or instruction. Projects electing to claim this rate will be scrutinized by OSP to insure it is appropriate for the proposal. Typically, OSA activities will benefit the general public or sections of the community. Examples include: community health or public education programs, artistic performances, library acquisitions, travel grants, collecting data for entry into a registry (not for analysis), and conferences, symposia, or seminars.
  • Per UNCG’s indirect cost rate agreement, the F&A rate cannot be applied to tuition & fees or “equipment” (i.e, items over $10,000) and only to the first $25,000 of each subcontract (over the life the subcontract). To calculate the F&A costs for a project:
    1. Calculate the Total Direct Costs (TDC) which is simply the sum of all direct costs (salaries, benefits, supplies, equipment, etc.).
    2. Calculate the base against which the F&A rate will be multiplied by subtracting exempt items (e.g., capital equipment, graduate student tuition and required fees, and subcontract/subrecipient agreement costs in excess of the first $25,000 of each subcontract/subrecipient agreement over the life of the subcontract/subrecipient agreement) from TDC. This will give the MTDC.
    3. Apply the F&A rate against the MTDC base to calculate the F&A costs for the project.
    4. Add the TDC to the F&A to calculate the Total Project Costs.
  • Sponsors with explicit policies regarding indirect costs can dictate another rate (or disallow indirect costs altogether). This information should appear in the RFP or proposal guidance. If you wish to use a reduced F&A rate (that is not explicitly dictated by the sponsor), you must submit the F&A Rate Reduction / Waiver Form.
  • On some federal budgets or justifications, the sponsor requires info about UNCG’s negotiated rate. Our current boilerplate language is:
    • Indirect Costs: Indirect costs through June 30, 2027, are calculated at UNCG’s federally negotiated indirect cost rate of 47% of MTDC for on-campus research. Beginning on July 1, 2027, indirect costs are calculated at UNCG’s federally negotiated indirect cost rate of 48% of MTDC for on-campus research. UNCG’s IDC agreement is dated March 26th, 2024, Cognizant Agency U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HHS representative Ernest Kinneer, (301) 492-4855.

Travel Budgets

  • NC state guidelines dictate rates for per diem and lodging (updated July 1, 2023)
    • Meals: $46.50/day (in-state) or $49.70/day (out-of-state)
    • Lodging: $89.10/night (in-state) or $105.20/night (out-of-state)
  • For out-of-state lodging, you may choose to use standard federal rates from the General Services Administration.
  • If you plan to reimburse project staff for mileage, use the state-approved rate: $0.67/mile (revised 1/1/2024)
  • If you will travel internationally, use the U.S. State Department Foreign Per Diem Rates.

Tuition & Fees

  • When budgeting to cover tuition & fees for graduate student research assistants, use the following amounts (updated May 1, 2024)
    • For in-state tuition (NC resident), budget $7808/year ($3904.20/semester) per student.
    • For out-of-state tuition (non-NC resident), budget $22,523/year ($11,261.70/semester) per student.
  • If you propose to cover the graduate research assistant’s student health insurance, budget $2,785/year ($1,392.50/semester).
  • The tuition and health insurance amounts are the same for both master’s and doctoral students.
  • Source: 2024-2025 Graduate School Tuition & Fees (9 credit hours).

Related Resources

General Budget Template
General Budget Justification Template
UNCG Effort Conversion Tables
F & A Rate Agreement
Graduate Tuition and Fees
UNCG Travel Manual can be found on this site

For more information and guidance visit OSP’s BUDGET PREPARATION pages.



Institutional Contacts

Applicant Institution:

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Authorized Institutional Signatory/ Chancellor Designee/ Authorized Official:

Joy Dismukes, Office of Sponsored Programs Director

Institution Mailing Address, Phone, Fax, Email:

Office of Sponsored Programs
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
1111 Spring Garden St., Suite 2601, Room 2702 MHRA Building
Greensboro, NC 27412-5013
Phone: (336) 334-5878
Email: [email protected]

Fiscal Officer / Fiscal Agent:

William Walters, Director, Contract and Grant Accounting

Fiscal Contact Information / Invoice Remittance Address:

Contract and Grant Accounting
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
1111 Spring Garden Street, 2511 MHRA Building
Greensboro, NC 27412-5013
Phone: (336) 334-5091
Fax: (336) 256-2599
Email: [email protected]

Institutional Fact Sheet

Bank Account Deposit Information: Contact your C&G Grants Specialist

Cage Code: 09C3

County: Guilford

DUNS Number: 616152567

Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): C13DF16LC3H4

Exempt from Reporting Executive Compensation: Yes

Federal Employer ID (EIN): 56-6001468

Fiscal Year-End (FYE): June 30 (06/30)

IACUC (PHS/OLAW) Assurance Number: D16-00414 (A3706-01)

IRB Assurance Expiration: 08/03/2025

IRB Assurance Number: FWA00000216

IRB Registration Number: IRB00000894

NC House District: 58

NC Senate District: 28

NCES# FIPS Code IPEDS: N/A (See FIPS Code or IPEDS #) 37 199148 Registration Expiration: 04/19/2022

US Congressional District, On Campus: NC-006

US Congressional Districts, Off-campus sites:



What’s New in Federal Grants

  • The new NIH Data Management and Sharing policy went into effect Jan. 25, 2023. 
  • NSF’s new PAPPG 24-1 went into effect on May 20, 2024. Among other changes, a one-page Mentoring Plan will be required if the proposal includes funding for postdoc(s) and/or graduate student research assistant(s). Learn more.
  • NSF now requires faculty to use SciENcv to create Biosketches and Current & Pending Support docs as of October. 2023. Under the new PAPPG 24-1, the Synergistic Activities section is no longer part of the Biosketch. Synergistic Activities will be a new, separate, one-page document. Learn more.

Most requested:

NSF Biosketch 
NSF Current & Pending Support (CPS)
NSF Synergistic Activities
NSF Collaborators & Other Affiliations (COA)
NIH Biosketch

Key Info:

UNCG UEI # C13DF16LC3H4 (replaces DUNS number on federal grants)
UNCG US Congressional District: NC-006
Federal Employer ID (EIN): 56-6001468
IACUC Assurance Number: D16-00414 (A3706-01)
More institutional info available on OSP’s website here.

To search for federal grant opportunities, start at, which provides a centralized location for grant seekers to find and apply for federal funding, including more than 1,000 programs across federal grant-making agencies.’s online database of future, current, and archived funding opportunities is searchable by keyword, eligibility, agency, category, and other fields.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Created in 1950, the NSF provides 27% of total federal funding for basic research conducted by U.S. colleges and universities, and the agency provides the majority of federal funding in fields such as mathematics, computer science, and the social sciences. NSF evaluates some 43,000 proposals and makes 12,000 new grant awards each year. NSF is organized into eight “directorates” that cover the broad categories of funded research: Biological Sciences (BIO); Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE); Engineering (ENG); Geosciences (GEO); Mathematic and Physical Sciences (MPS); Social, Behaviorial, and Economic Sciences (SBE); Education and Human Resources (EHR); and the agency’s newest directorate, Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP).

Notable NSF grant programs and resources:

Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) – open to tenure-track, untenured faculty with a doctoral degree in a field supported by NSF. Awards, including indirect costs, total a minimum of $400,000 for 5-year period. Deadline is the 4th Monday in July.

Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) – open to grad students pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in fields within NSF’s mission. Provides 3 years of financial support at $34,000 annual stipend. Application opens in late July/early August, with deadlines in late October. Some 2,000 fellowships are awarded each year.

PAPPG (Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide) – provides extensive guidance and explanation to prepare common sections of NSF grant proposals. UNCG’s OSP has a helpful NSF Proposal checklist. NSF also has a helpful FAQs document. – the preferred submission portal for NSF proposals.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Established in 1931, the NIH consists of 27 Institutes and Centers (ICs), each with its own research and funding strategy. NIH invests more than $32 B each year in research, making it the largest public funder of medical research in the world. Annually, NIH receives nearly 60,000 research project grant applications and makes more than 11,000 new or renewal (competing) awards. The bulk of NIH funding is distributed each year through more than 7,600 R01-equivalent grants with an average size of $571,000, for which the agency receives nearly 38,000 applications. (More info)

Notable NIH grant programs and resources: 

SF 424 (R&R) – Forms Version G – the general (G), comprehensive application instructions for NIH grants. Unless otherwise specified in the FOA, follow the standard instruction, as well as any additional program-specific instructions for each form in your application. Be sure to use the application form instructions that correspond with the funding program.

NIH Guide – the NIH’s own searchable database of funding opportunities and notices. Filter and sort by IC, activity code, and release date; and search by keyword.

NIH RePORTER Matchmaker – paste your abstract or project summary (up to 15,000 characters) into the NIH Matchmaker tool and return a list of similar funded proposals. The tool can help indentify FOAs that fit your research and to understand what sets your proposal apart. – the preferred submission portal for NIH proposals.

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Created in 1965, the NEH is one of the largest funders of the humanities, providing over $125M per year in funding to individuals, institutions, and state, local, and tribal agencies. The Division of Research Programs provides nearly $16M annually to support scholarly research that advances knowledge in the humanities as a whole and in specific fields. The Division of Education Programs provides almost $12M to strengthen humanities teaching from K-12 to university levels.

Notable NEH grant programs & resources: 

Fellowships – provide recipients time to conduct research or to produce books, monographs, peer-reviewed articles, e-books, digital materials, translations with annotations or a critical apparatus, or critical editions resulting from previous research.

Public Scholar Program – supports individual scholars for research, writing, travel or other activities that lead to the creation and publication of nonfiction books in the humanities written for a public audience.

Summer Stipends – support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months.

Institutes for Higher Education Faculty – funding for organizations to create institutes to convene and provide professional development for higher ed faculty.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

College of Arts & Sciences Office of Research

The CAS Office of Research is located on the first floor of the Foust Building, Office Suite 100.

call or fax us

Phone: 336.334.4757

Fax: 336.334.4260

Mailing address

The College of Arts and Sciences
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro 
100 Foust Building
PO Box 26170
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170

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