CUrriculum and Teaching
For any curricular item to take effect (new or amended course proposal, program revision, concentration or minor proposal, new program proposal), it must proceed through a sequence of review stages. Items must be approved by each of the appropriate committees including the College Curriculum and Teaching (C&T) Committee, the Teachers’ Academy Committee (for items pertaining to the teacher education program), the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC), the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC), and the General Education Council (for items to be included in the General Education Program).
This review process can be lengthy. Please submit your material as soon as possible since there is the possibility that the committees won’t approve an item the first time it is on their agenda; they could require revisions and a re-submission before the item is passed for the next committee. Therefore, if you are planning a curricular revision, you should begin preparing your paperwork for committee review as soon as possible.