Internal competition to apply for NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) grant

Posted on October 07, 2022

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The University of North Carolina Greensboro Office of Sponsored Programs announces an internal limited submission competition to name submission eligible nominees for the 2023 National Science Foundation (NSF) Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) opportunity.

The NSF MRI award supports the acquisition or development of a multi-user research instrument that is, in general, too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NSF programs. NSF strongly values MRI proposals that seek to develop next-generation research instruments that open new frontiers of research.

The NSF MRI program has two tracks:

• Track 1: $100K to <$1M (based on the amount requested from NSF) Within Track 1, UNCG may also submit smaller proposals (<$100K) in the disciplines of mathematics or social, behavioral and economic sciences. No more than two Track 1 proposals may be submitted from UNCG;

• Track 2: $1M to $4M (based on the amount requested from NSF) No more than one Track 2 proposal may be submitted from UNCG.

Significant cost-sharing, 30% of the total project costs, is required. For additional information including a description of the process governing the selection of the institutional nominees and the proposal guidelines see the attached documentation.

**Important note: It is possible that a new solicitation document for the MRI program will be released by the National Science Foundation that may change some of the dates and/or requirements for the competition. If that happens, this competition will be revised accordingly and an announcement will be made broadly to the university community highlighting any changes.
Get more information or to apply for a spot at:
Proposals for the limited submission competition are due by 5 pm on Friday, October 21, 2022.

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