
Migration Project

If your website has yet to migrate, visit this informational page about the migration project first.


The University Communications Digital Asset Library is a source for high quality photography to be used in UNC Greensboro publications and communications (print, screen, and web). The Digital Asset Library is open to faculty and staff, and requires login using your university credentials.

Student worker or temporary employee access to the Digital Asset Library may be requested by contacting us via the Merlin Request form.

UNCG Web Assets contains information about the different design blocks, themes, and reusable patterns available in NGWP websites. See color schemes, fonts, and more resources.

Visit the University Communications site for information about the Web Content Audit Procedure.

While the CAS webmaster cannot directly assist with catalog changes, I can share information about contacts and processes.

In a nutshell:

  • The catalog is managed through the University Registrar’s Office.
  • All faculty have access to submit curriculum changes.
  • Each department has a designated user who can make content changes.
    • By default, the department head or office director is given access.
    • Unit head can send an email to URO designating any users that they need to add.

The Process

From Tim Cripe, URO Academic Infrastructure Analyst:

Narrative Content

This is typically the department overview area. Narrative content in the University Catalog is edited via an annual update cycle. Each department has a designated Catalog user with editing privileges for their department’s content. [CAS does not have a record of these users, so check within your department for that contact.]

The annual editing window for this content opens on March 1 and closes on April 15. The user receives email notifications about training opportunities and deadlines. 

Curricular Content

Curricular changes, such as the title of a degree or minor, must be submitted via the CourseLeaf CIM module. All faculty have access to submit curriculum changes.

More information about CIM is posted in the CourseLeaf portal for UNCG.

Faculty Lists

The information on the Faculty page is dynamically generated from Banner, so it can be manipulated only by changing information in Banner. 

Communicate changes regarding listing or not listing an instructor to the person in your department who handles faculty personnel records; they should use established processes to notify Faculty Personnel Services in the Office of the Provost. 

  • The name displayed can be modified by the individual in UNCGenie:
    • Click on Personal Information > Click on Update Faculty/Employee Directory Information. 

Dependent upon the time of year, the update may not be visible in the Live Catalog for the current academic term; however, it will be visible in the Draft Catalog for the next academic year ( after the data is refreshed. 

This information was last updated March 21, 2024.

Accessibility within websites may be a new topic for many of us, but it’s of critical importance going forward. You will see accessibility steps included in my tutorials, so be sure to follow closely with the simple but powerful steps we must take to make our websites accessible to all users. It’s not only important for the student experience, it’s a legal matter!

Why Accessibility is Important – Accessibility Resources at UNCG

The NGWP sites are highly accessible by design. However, there are some small items that all web editors are responsible for. Most commonly, you will be asked to include alt text with any images you upload or use within your site. Read more on this page: Getting Started with Accessibility. You can jump straight to the section about alt text here.


Before you begin editing your department’s NGWP website, let’s meet to walk through the site together. I can give you an overview of how your site is set up, show you how to perform updates, and answer any questions you may have.


The new sites should stay as lean and up to date as possible, with content primarily aimed at prospective students. Considering that UNCG has implemented Degrees & Programs, Employee Directory, CourseLeaf Catalog, and other centrally located informational pages and resources, it is ideal to manage content in only one place when possible. This reduces redundancy and inconsistency.

Additionally, storing documents within the WordPress media library adds to site load – and they can only be managed by site editors. A more efficient solution exists in SharePoint, where each department can directly manage the documents they choose to share. Publicly viewable or UNCG-only links to SharePoint directories can be added to the department websites, which is highly preferable to messy lists of document links.

Degree Managers can update pages in UNCG Degrees & Programs rather than add new pages to department sites. (Use accordions for longer blocks of text, FAQ, etc.)

Link to the relevant page in the Catalog. Note: Catalog content management is handled between departments and the Registrar’s Office. (See “Catalog Updates” under the Resources heading above.)

Use shared department folder located in CAS Dean’s Office SharePoint directory entitled “Public Docs for Website” > Your Department. I can assist with setting these up, or your department can create a document repository in the department’s SharePoint drive.

Please do not use OneDrive for this purpose, since OneDrive directories are tied to individuals, complicating document management when OneDrive owners leave UNCG or move to a different unit.

Use Directory – UNC Greensboro pages. These can be customized with design blocks just like other webpages. Each department will have a designated directory manager for their area. CAS Communications can assist with populating and editing these pages as well.

Use a SharePoint directory or Canvas to share documents with students, rather than uploading documents to the WordPress media library. I can set this up for you and make it viewable only to users logged into UNCG, or your department can set one up in the department’s SharePoint. Please do not use OneDrive for this purpose, since these directories are tied to individuals, complicating document management when OneDrive owners leave UNCG or move to a different unit. 

When you find UNCG or CAS News relevant to your department and you’d like to add it to your site, use the “Page Links To” option. When you publish a post using this option, you don’t have to copy and paste the story in to your site (which is not recommended anyway). Instead, you will create a news post within your site that actually directs your readers to the original post. See my Tutorial on adding new posts for instructions and screenshots of the process.


Get step-by-step instructions on completing common web editing tasks.

Get Help

Sarah Vetter

Contact Sarah Vetter, Webmaster for The College of Arts & Sciences

[email protected]

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