NEW SIRF awards provide support for faculty research Activities

Posted on August 21, 2024

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The CAS Office of Research is introducing the new Supplemental Innovative Research Fund (SIRF) to bolster the research activities of CAS faculty. Both tenure-track and professional-track faculty can seek support from SIRF.

SIRF provides up to $800 to support research activity at any stage of the process. This money can be used to supplement the P3 award in preparation of an external funding submission or to supplement travel money to disseminate research at a conference. Other acceptable uses include purchasing materials, compensating research participants, meeting with collaborators, publication costs, and travel to conduct research outside our local area.

Awards are limited to one per faculty per fiscal year and will be available until funds are depleted. To apply, faculty should provide: (1) a 1-page description of how the funds will be used and the research outcome expected, and (2) the application form below. The department/program head should sign this form as confirmation that the costs cannot be covered by faculty or department funds (e.g., startup funds, indirect cost account).

Tenure-track faculty seeking travel support should first apply to the College’s Scholars Travel Fund or International Travel Fund. More info and applications are on our Find Funding page.

SIRF Application Form (pdf)

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