Dr. Neelofer Qadir named prestigious Career Enhancement Fellow

Posted on June 25, 2022

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Dr. Neelofer Qadir, a UNC Greensboro professor of English, International and Global Studies, and African American and African Diaspora Studies, has been named a Career Enhancement Fellow by the Institute for Citizens and Scholars.

Neelofer Qadir. Photo credit: Biko Caruthers

The Career Enhancement Fellowship, funded by the Mellon Foundation and administered by Citizens & Scholars, seeks to increase the presence of underrepresented junior and other faculty members in the humanities, social sciences, and arts by creating career development opportunities for selected Fellows with promising research projects.

As part of the fellowship, Qadir will receive a one-year sabbatical stipend of $35,000 to revise her book manuscript, “Afrasian Imaginaries: Global Capitalism in Indian Ocean Worlds.”

Qadir also plans to visit the archives at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture and, COVID-19 conditions permitting, in South Africa and Mauritius (the latter through the support of the UNCG New Faculty Grant). She will be mentored by Dr. Lisa Lowe, Samuel Knight Professor of American Studies and Professor of Ethnicity, Race, and Migration at Yale University.

Read more: https://citizensandscholars.org/2022-cef/

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