Dr. Aaron Beveridge (English) received new funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities for the project “MassMine Advancement Grant for Sustainable Data-Driven Humanities Research.”
This Level III Digital Humanities Advancement Grant will extend the functionality and accessibility of MassMine for data-driven humanities research. MassMine is a digital humanities research software that automates the collection and processing of data from digital sources to support the interdisciplinary research of social media and digital networks. MassMine currently supports data collection and processing from Twitter, Google Trends, Wikipedia, Tumblr, as well as collecting and archiving text data from any web URL (general web scraping). In 2015, MassMine’s initial development was funded through an NEH Digital Humanities Level II Start-Up Grant, and in successful completion of the Level II grant the MassMine team released version 1.0 of the software, as well as producing massmine.org to provide complete user documentation, “Getting Started” tutorials, and example Twitter analyses. The primary objectives of the 2015 Level II grant were: (1) to refine the MassMine tool to support the collection and use of social media and other digital data in humanities research, and (2) to develop a training program and online resources to support the broad use of MassMine, regardless of technical experience.