Are you working on an NIH grant proposal? Want to improve your chances for funding? A 2012-16 study from Columbia University School of Nursing saw a 42% success rate for proposals that received an internal review, compared to 20% for those not reviewed (Kulage & Larson, 2018.) Here at UNCG, we are pleased to announce a new internal review process for proposal submissions to NIH.
Step 1: Notify OSP of your intent to submit an NIH proposal. Internal notification deadlines are: Dec. 5, April 5, August 5. Start here.
Step 2: Submit a working draft of your proposal for review. Internal draft submission deadlines are: Jan. 5, May 5, Sept. 5. Start here.
OSP will assemble the panel and you will receive feedback within 2 weeks.
The peer review panel project is managed by the Office of Sponsored Programs. In addition to welcoming involvement from UNCG faculty who have NIH proposals to be reviewed, OSP is also seeking faculty to serve as peer reviewers.
For full details, read the info sheet: NIH Peer Review Panels for UNCG Faculty.
This program is supported in part through NIH funding (PI Terri Shelton: 1UC2GM137434-01).