UNC Greensboro

Dr. Kaira Wagoner Receives NEW Grant From Project Apis M.

Dr. Kaira Wagoner, a research scientist in the Department of Biology, has received a new $39,000 grant from Project Apis m. for her proposal, “Identification of hygiene-associated protein markers to improve selection for honey bee pest and disease resistance.” Project Apis m. is a non-profit that funds honey-bee research in … Continued

Dr. Clifford Smyth Receives NSF Grant for Combinatorics Conference

Dr. Clifford Smyth, Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, has received a National Science Foundation conference grant to support the “Triangle Lectures in Combinatorics.” The three-year, $50,000 grant will fund twice-yearly gatherings of mathematics faculty and students from across the state. Each conference will feature four speakers who … Continued


Sat Gupta

Professor Sat Gupta, a statistician whose research interests include survey sampling and biostatistics, has received the 2024 UNCG Thomas Undergraduate Research Mentor Award in the tenured category.

Dr. AyAlew OSena Awarded new Grants FROM NSF AND NCA&T

Osena in the greenhouse with a student.

Dr. Ayalew Osena, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology, recently received 2 new grant awards. The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded Osena a four-year, $818,000 grant for the project “Boosting Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency in the orphan crop tef (Eragrostis tef) for trait improvement.” This project involves research at … Continued

Dr. Maia Popova Receives New NSF Grant To reform Chemistry Lab Instruction

Dr. Maia Popova and Dr. Mitchell Croatt have received a new five-year, $967,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to explore ways to improve chemistry instruction and student learning in laboratory courses. The project — Broadening Instructional Innovation in the Chemistry Laboratory through Excellence in Curriculum Development — is a … Continued

Chemistry Ph.D. Student and Army Reservist Finds His Way at UNCG

Garett Barto holds his Army uniform

Garett Barto is not your traditional college student. On top of managing the demanding schedule of a PhD student in UNCG’s Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, he also currently serves as a captain in the U.S. Army Reserves.  So when he’s not in the lab researching the deadly bacteria Bacillus anthracis … Continued


Collage of subject headshots

Several CAS faculty have secured new and continuing research funding this fall. Kudos to Dr. Wasserberg, Dr. Eger, Dr. Oberlies, Dr. Osena, Dr. Zhang, Dr. Cech, and Dr. DeJesus! Read more about their projects below. Jasmine DeJesus (Psychology) was granted a continuation award as part of an NIH-funded collaborative research … Continued

Keeping it safe: privacy-protecting data sharing for AI

Andi Smith speaker headshot.

Join the UNCG Department of Computer Science for this presentation in their colloquium series! Sharing individually contributed data is a cornerstone of modern artificial intelligence.For example, large language models (LLMs) were trained on hundreds of billion tokens scraped from the internet. However, the data generated by individual users contain sensitive … Continued