UNC Greensboro

Chemistry & Biochemistry Dept. Wins 2024 Dean’s Diversity Award

Chemistry Department group shot

The College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) is pleased to share that its Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry has received the 2024 CAS Dean’s Award for the Promotion of Diversity and Inclusiveness.  The Department is recognized due to their remarkable, comprehensive efforts to foster an inclusive environment. Not only does … Continued

Reminder to Faculty: YOUR Annual Coi disclosure iS due Sept. 30

All university faculty should complete an annual Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosure form by September 30. The UNCG annual disclosure is required for all faculty (9 month, 12 month, and part-time), including adjunct faculty members and EHRA staff members. The disclosure form must be completed using the Cayuse Outside Interests … Continued

NEW SIRF awards provide support for faculty research Activities

The CAS Office of Research is introducing the new Supplemental Innovative Research Fund (SIRF) to bolster the research activities of CAS faculty. Both tenure-track and professional-track faculty can seek support from SIRF. SIRF provides up to $800 to support research activity at any stage of the process. This money can … Continued


Osena in the greenhouse with a student.

Dr. Ayalew Osena, an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology, has received a new 4-year, $450,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for his project: Collaborative Research: Deciphering the mechanisms of iron acquisition and accumulation in the underutilized ancient crop tef (Eragrostis tef). The Osena lab at UNCG … Continued

MunROE FUND provides resources for STEM student researchers

The Dorothy Levis Munroe Student Research Fund, managed by the College’s Office of Research, supports undergraduate and graduate students who conduct research in the natural and mathematical sciences. Endowed by alumna and lifelong educator Dorothy Levis Munroe ’44, the fund provides awards of up to $1000 to students working on research projects with faculty … Continued

eligible CAS faculty may APPLY FOR Research ASsignment by Sept. 5

To: Tenured Faculty, College of Arts & Sciences This year’s Research Assignment applications for 2025-2026 will be using the application form. The documents hyperlinked to this message provide detailed instructions on how the applications must be prepared and describe the College’s review process. Please follow these instructions closely. If you have … Continued


In the 2023-24 academic year, the College of Arts & Sciences Office of Research supported 20 UNCG students with nearly $20,000 in grants from the Dorothy Levis Munroe Research Fund. The fund was endowed by alumna Dorothy Levis Munroe ‘44 to support student research in the “natural and mathematical sciences.” … Continued

Dr. Zhenquan Jia Receives NEW $300K USDA grant To study Hawaiian tea leaves

Dr. Zhenquan Jia, Professor of Biology, has received a new $300,000 grant from the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture for his proposal, “Exploration of bioactive components in Hawaiian mamaki tea with potential to modulate vascular inflammation.” The two-year project is a collaboration with the University of Hawaii and … Continued

Dr. Kaira Wagoner WinS new Grant from NAPPC

Dr. Kaira Wagoner, a research scientist in the Department of Biology, has received a new $10,000 grant from the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) for her proposal “Development of a Beekeeper-Friendly Assay to Quantify Honeybee colony Grooming Behavior.” More info about this project can be found in the abstract … Continued