Fall semester announcements

Posted on August 19, 2024

two students seated and looking at their laptops
Students reviewing their syllabi with the Academic Achievement Center during Rawkin' Welcome Weeks 2024.

As we get ready to start another Fall semester, I’d like to take a minute to share with you some resources available to your instructors who teach online, as well as a few significant updates related to Canvas that occurred over the summer. Please share the following information with any of your instructors who use Canvas in their teaching.  

Recent Updates in Canvas:

  • Canvas Studio (for video) can now be set to auto-publish captions.
  • Canvas Release Notes (2024-07-20)
    • Inbox – Signatures and Auto Responses 
    • The “Assign to:” setting in you’ve seen on Canvas assignments is now available for ungraded discussions, Modules, and Pages; Important: As a result of this change, the “Assign To” interface for assignments has changed.  


  1. Canvas Template
    Do you have instructors who are developing new online courses, or instructors who would like to significantly update existing courses? If so, they might be interested in downloading the UNCG CAS Canvas course template. The template contains a sample first module that can be duplicated as needed, and includes icons, buttons, and customizable banner graphics. See instructions for downloading the template here
  2. “Getting Started in Canvas” Training CourseIf you have instructors who need introductory Canvas training and would prefer to complete the training remotely and at their own pace, they can self-enroll in the “Getting Started with Canvas” training course.  This is the link to enroll in the course.  


  • Review your links in Canvas to see if you have any remaining links to Google files that need to be changed to MS links. Also check your links to UNCG sites as many site addresses changed when they moved to the new UNCG web template. 
  • The CAS Instructional Technology Support website has been migrated to UNCG’s new template and is now located at: cas.uncg.edu/ats
    This site has information about teaching online, a guide to generative AI, and many how-to guides for tools such as Canvas, the Microsoft suite, and basic course accessibility.   
  • Finally, please remember that if you have any questions about anything mentioned above, and/or if you would like to arrange an individual or small group/dept training or consultation, I’m always happy to do that and can be reached at: 
    Anita Warfford, [email protected]
  • Library Tutorials: the university libraries tutorials for research assistance (ULTRA) got a new interface: uncg.libguides.com/ultra
    At the same time, they updated our library website, which broke many links. This means ULTRA in Canvas Commons went through many changes too, so if you use Library tutorials from Canvas Commons, please re-download the modules to fix the MANY broken links. Contact the Library directly with any questions.

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