To: Tenured Faculty, College of Arts & Sciences
This year’s Research Assignment applications for 2025-2026 will be using the application form. The documents hyperlinked to this message provide detailed instructions on how the applications must be prepared and describe the College’s review process. Please follow these instructions closely. If you have any questions about the preparation of your application, feel free to contact Interim Associate Dean for Research Stuart Marcovitch. Please note that according to Item 10 on page 5 of the CAS Policies on Research Assignments, Fellowships, and Off-campus Assignments: “Faculty who accept a JOCA under this policy must wait four years before they are eligible for the University’s program of research assignments for tenured faculty. That is, eight semesters must elapse between the end of a JOCA under this policy and the start of a Research assignment under the policy for tenured faculty.” This means that recently promoted Associate Professors who held a JOCA in Fall 20/Spring 21 are eligible to apply for a research assignment for 2025-26. If you have questions about the University’s Research Assignment policy you can access the policy here.
Completed applications must be submitted to your department head for review no later than Thursday, September 5th. Department Heads will submit the application along with their recommendation letter no later than 5pm on Wednesday, September 18th to Lori Wright.
Applications will be reviewed by the College Committee on Research Assignments who will establish a ranking that I will use to determine my recommendations to the Provost. The number of Research Assignments that I can recommend will be very limited this year due to budgetary constraints. I also have asked department heads to provide most or all of the resources needed to support these research assignments. We look forward to the receipt of your applications.
Dr. Amy L. Adamson, Interim Dean
Contact Lori Wright to receive the following items:
Application Form – to be completed by faculty member and submitted to dept. head by Sept. 5
Staffing Implications Form – to be completed by dept. head and submitted to Lori Wright by Sept. 18