Using SCIENCV to produce Personnel Docs

Posted on October 20, 2023

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Last month, the CAS Office of Research hosted a webinar “Using SciENcv to prep NSF Personnel Docs.” The 30-minute session featured a demo of the SciENcv tool by Dr. Sally Koerner, Associate Professor in the Department of Biology.

UNCG faculty and staff can view a video recording of the session here: Using SciENcv to prep NSF Personnel Docs-Meeting Recording_Trim.mp4

Slides from the session are available here: SciENcv slidedeck.pptx

For all NSF grant proposals due October 23, 2023 or later, NSF will require applicants to use SciENcv to produce their NSF Biosketch and the NSF Current and Pending documents. View NSF’s FAQ on Using SciENcv.

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