Think Inside of BOX!

Posted on September 10, 2014

BoxDid you know that “Box” is now available to all UNCG users? Box is an online file storage service, and many faculty and staff are already finding it to be a valuable resource for both teaching and office/organization management. Some of the features of Box include:

  • unlimited for every user.
  • Configured to meet the “2-Lock rating” requirements for storage of “Moderate risk data” according to the new Data Classification Policy for UNCG.
  • Web and mobile access to your files anywhere you have an internet connection.
  • Ability to selectively “sync” files and folders to your computer (similar to DropBox).
  • Ability to share files with other users inside and outside UNCG.
  • Keeps track of multiple versions of your files automatically.
  • Ability to “lock” documents while editing them, so others cannot accidentally overwrite your work.
  • Ability to see who has edited and viewed documents you share.
  • Integration with Microsoft Office to download, edit and upload new versions.

With the move to Canvas, we no longer have unlimited file storage for our courses, but Box’s ability to share files with other users provides the option for instructors with very large courses to use Box to house some of the larger course files (such as videos), and still be able to share those files with students. In fact, you have the ability to embed shared Box files/folders directly inside of Canvas.

For more information on Box and how to access your UNCG Box account, please visit:

Check the workshops calendar for dates and times of Box workshops (if you don’t see any listed, you can contact 6-TECH and request a workshop be added):

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