Posted on June 26, 2023

Shivaji teaching

H. Barton Excellence Professor Ratnasingham Shivaji was awarded the 2022 UNCG Senior Research Excellence Award for his accomplishments in differential equations research as well as his lengthy record as a teacher and academic mentor. He is known as a passionate educator who burns the midnight oil working with students. This year, he also received UNCG’s Excellence in Graduate Mentoring Award. 

Over more than four decades as a mathematician, Dr. Shivaji has conducted research in partial differential equations, with a focus on reaction-diffusion systems. The work has applications in nonlinear heat generation, combustion theory, chemical reactor theory, population dynamics, and ecology.

An internationally renowned authority on positone and semipositone problems, Shivaji has 180 publications with over 4,000 citations, has given 24 plenary talks across the world, and is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society. His successful funding record includes six major NSF research grants as well as a host of conference grants.

Read the interview with Dr. Shivaji here

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