Freshman Seminar Program Website Launch

Posted on September 25, 2023

A side-by-side comparison of the website before and after the redesign.

On Monday, September 18, 2023 the new Freshman Seminar Program website was launched. This small site now boasts a fresh design with new images, collapsible “accordion” sections, and photo galleries using the lightbox feature. Check it out at!

This site also showcases the new, themed homepage style I’ll initially be using for CAS departments. Each department’s homepage will feature a large parallax image, overlaid with a transparent vertical banner on the left side. The banner will contain the department logo above a concise description of the department. Each department site will otherwise use their own blend of design blocks, but that front page header will have a similar look across all departments.

On Friday, September 29, the CASA website will migrate in the afternoon. We are excited about this project, and feel like it’s a huge upgrade. Stay tuned!

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