DUCK Lab, Downtown Parks offer crafts for kids

Posted on September 24, 2020

Researchers at DUCK Lab creating crafts
Graduate researchers Andrea Yuly and Kimmy Marble host the weekly “Crafts & Conversation” series.

Each Friday this fall, the DUCK lab from UNC Greensboro’s psychology department will guide at-home craft projects for children aged 3 to 12 for their “Crafts & Conversation” video series.

A new video can be found each Friday on the DUCK Lab’s Facebook page, the Greensboro Downtown Parks Facebook page or at

Parents can join as well to learn fun facts about crafts that foster age-appropriate skills or hear more about the DUCK Lab’s nonprofit child development research projects.

The Development and Understanding of Children’s Knowledge (DUCK) Lab at UNCG studies the social, emotional and cognitive development of infants, children and preadolescents.

“Crafts & Conversation provides fun, simple, developmentally appropriate crafts for kids,” said Dr. Janet Boseovski, a professor of psychology at UNCG. She oversees the DUCK Lab with Dr. Stuart Marcovitch. “We have a team of undergraduate and graduate researchers working on this event, so it’s not only a fun community activity, but also a pedagogical experience for our students.”

View past videos from “Crafts & Conversation”:

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