UNC Greensboro

2024-25 Harriet Elliott Lecture Series Announced: Stress & Us

Group of people struggling to climb mountain with golden sun peeking behind clouds

Hosted by the Department of Psychology, the 2024-25 Harriet Elliott Lecture Series (HELS) will highlight the insidious ways that life stress, sometimes under different monikers, impacts our lives, our communities, and our health – and what we can do about it.

Harriet Elliott Keynote Address: Reducing Health Inequities

David R Williams

As part of the 2024-25 Harriet Elliott Lecture Series hosted by the Psychology Department, please join us for a keynote address by Dr. David R. Williams, the preeminent scholar on racism and health. Williams will deliver an address titled: Reducing Health Inequities: The Need for a Renewed Emphasis on Innovative Solutions … Continued

Panel Discussion with Regional Scholars: Stress & Us

Four headshots of panelists

As part of the 2024-25 Harriet Elliott Lecture Series, please join us for presentations and a discussion around current research by regional scholars on stress and life adversity. Panelists will discuss the effects of discrimination on physical health broadly and cardiovascular functioning specifically, the role of socioeconomic inequality in early … Continued