UNC Greensboro

Keeping it safe: privacy-protecting data sharing for AI

Andi Smith speaker headshot.

Join the UNCG Department of Computer Science for this presentation in their colloquium series! Sharing individually contributed data is a cornerstone of modern artificial intelligence.For example, large language models (LLMs) were trained on hundreds of billion tokens scraped from the internet. However, the data generated by individual users contain sensitive … Continued

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Fall 2023 Seminar series

Picture of faculty presenting the topics for the seminar in order from upper left to right: Ana Bahamonde, Leah Dodson, David Asai, Tianning Diao, and Aaron Smith.

We hope you are as excited about the Fall 2023 Seminar Series produced by the Chemistry and Biochemistry department as we are! This September we invite you to swing by and learn about a myriad of topics ranging from advancing research through the use of data science & organic techniques … Continued

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Fall 2023 Seminar series

Picture of faculty presenting the topics for the seminar in order from upper left to right: Ana Bahamonde, Leah Dodson, David Asai, Tianning Diao, and Aaron Smith.

We hope you are as excited about the Fall 2023 Seminar Series produced by the Chemistry and Biochemistry department as we are! This September we invite you to swing by and learn about a myriad of topics ranging from advancing research through the use of data science & organic techniques … Continued